Since 1957, we've relied on our partnerships with local businesses to sustain our vital work. The support, leadership, and resources that local businesses offer are essential to achieving our goals and bringing sustainable change to lives in Carteret, Craven, Jones and Pamlico Counties.  Participating in a United Way Campign in your workplace gives your business and employees the opportunity to learn about our community’s needs and gives every person the opportunity to be involved in finding solutions.

Every workplace campaign is different, based on the unique culture of your organization. Setting up and running a campaign is simple and United Way of Coastal Carolina will support you every step of the way.

United Way can also help you plan fun and meaningful volunteer and advocacy projects for your colleagues.

How to Start a Workplace Campaign

Want more information about running a first-time campaign?
Contact United Way or call (252) 637-2460 to speak to United Way staff.

Workplace Campaign Toolkit

We've got an Employee Campaign Coordinator guide, brochures, flyers, videos and photos, sample emails and letters, success stories, graphics and other tools to help you run a successful workplace campaign. Check out our workplace campaign toolkit.